About This Blog

Image result for anxiety Dear Readers,

Anxiety is a mental health condition that many people experience or suffer from. At any age, anxiety can be a hard problem to deal with. But when adding school/education into the mixture, anxiety can become nearly unbearable.

Coming from a personal level, and from someone who has general and social anxiety, college was a hard step to take. Living on my own, being fully reasonable for myself, and just being “fully” independent was hard. But in a way, it allowed me to get my attention away from the anxiety.For a while, I felt the anxiety subside. Having lived with anxiety for as long as I can remember, I felt like I could breathe for the first time in a long time.

But when it came back, it felt like I had been hit by a truck and then a smart car. Getting out of bed for a class was a nightmare, speaking and answering questions in class felt like pulling my own teeth out. Anxiety is often described as feeling like, “A fish outta water,” and I felt like that constantly.

After a few weeks of this, I knew something had to change. Wrangling in this anxiety again, and not let it control my life or education.

That is what this blog is going to be about! A hopefully helpful guide about how students can take over anxiety. This blog will contain a mixture of ways that worked for me, and concepts that I think are worth exploring! 


Image Credit: Gemma Corell 


  1. I am really looking forward to reading other posts on this topic. I also have general and social anxieties and can relate to almost everything you mentioned in this post. I am hoping to learn more about anxiety, and ways to cope with it since I personally am not very good at self care. I also hope to pick up some tips on living alone that may push me to want to do so.

    1. Anxiety is a really wild mental illness to have. I don't personally think that I will truly understand how it works. Self care is something that I have been working on for awhile, but only recently got good at it. I think it is often hard to accept you need to take care of your mental health. Just like you need to eat and sleep, taking care of yourr mental health (no matter what that looks like) is just as important. But the stigma around anexity, I think, causes us to not think its a problem or that it doesn't need attention.

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog as my blog topic (stress and how to cope with it) was somewhat similar. It was interesting to see what you had done with your blog and compared it to mine. You did a great job. My favorite part is the image "NOPE" that caught my attention at first. This image is great because I have personally felt that way and could relate very much to your blog. Great job!

    1. Thank you! When I saw the imagine, I really saw myself within the picture. Aneixity and stress can make you just feel like giving up, and sometimes that is okay. I also think adding a but of humor to anexity can really help people relax about the topic. Becuase even though it is serious, stressing about anexity can make it worse. Stress and anexity often go together. People who have anexity are often very stressed out about everything. Im intrested in seeing how similar our posts are.

  3. I think that many people can relate with what you have to say on the subject, as anxiety is no simple problem. Because we are college students, our lives are almost never without stress. Things can get overwhelming at times, and practically anything can exacerbate that inner sense of turmoil. But in light of this, it is nice to see that you are focusing your blog on a subject such as anxiety. No one is alone their struggles.

    1. Im glad you brought up the point of no one is alone. My main idea for this blog is to build a community where people feel safe, and like they aren't being judged for this mental illness that they have. Anxiety is a hard thing to deal with, and feeling like you are alone in the struggle can make it worse. I know when I was younger I did not understand why I felt like," a fish out of water" or why I had problems doing things other kids my age did. So I hope this blog helps people deal with and understand that anxiety.

  4. This is a really interesting issue and an important one that needs to be discussed. We know so little about mental health yet its so important. I myself have had struggles with anxiety along with my whole family. Mental health is a very serious matter and sometimes its impossible to deal with it alone. I cant wait to read more of this blog. Keep up the good work!

    1. For most of my life I dealt with anxiety all by myself. I was almost scared of it. I was always told I was just shy and it was never taken seriously until I decided to take it seriously. From then on I learned that other members of my family also had it but kept it a secret. Mental health is often hidden from the world, and if it's hidden it's hard to treat it/address it as a problem. I think it has gotten better the past few years but there is still a ways to go.

  5. I am excited to read on in your blog, as I too suffer from mild anxiety. I look forward to seeing the coping mechanisms you will bring forth, and how they have helped to mold you into the person you are today. I would definitely like to continue reading on how living on your own has been both a help and a hendrence to your anxiety, as I still live with my parents, so I don't know the struggle of that yet. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to reading future blogs.

    1. Anxiety is a really weird thing to have because you see how irrational it is but you can’t really control it. Living on my own was a big game changer because it brings about different anxieties and different feelings. One one hand it's exciting and awesome but on the other you can’t help but overthink about “what if”. I'll be sure to mention the anxiety of living on my own in a post and how to help it.

  6. I myself experience and see the affects of anxiety with my girlfriend who is within the nursing program at Indiana University South Bend. I believe that if someone is able to express their feeling to someone that will listen allows for that person who is experiencing high levels of anxiety to overcome or "feel better" then they did before the conversation. Since I have attended counseling courses in the past we have learned about the affects and ways in helping anxiety. We learned that just having someone to listen to can change the thought of the person with anxiety. I also must say that I am not a counselor but have taken classes on counseling.

    1. Having someone just sit down and listen to the anxiety you have helps a lot. At least for me, I get really stuck in my head about things that don’t really matter or don’t have a bad outcome. So having someone to shoot down that anxiety often helps me. I also found that if you can’t talk to someone writing down what makes you anxious can also really help. Something about pen to paper, and making the anxiety exists somewhere other than your own head helps a lot.

  7. I'm really excited to start reading your blog posts, because even though I don't suffer from high levels of anxiety, I think this will be helpful in dealing with stress as well. I think your comments and experience on the topic will be an interesting read, and I look forward to keeping up with the posts and reading the comments from everyone else as we all share your helpful tips. Additionally, I think your choice in title for the blog is both interesting and attention grabbing.

    1. Tips for both stress and anxiety I find are very similar. Both really focus on breathing and not working yourself up too much. I think even if you don’t necessarily suffer from anxiety, the tips to help manage anxiety can go for a lot of different things. Everyone needs to calm themselves down occasionally, it isn’t just anxiety. It makes me really happy you like the title, I thought it was kinda funny, but still got the topic across.


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